Teen Therapy

Teen life today is hard – maybe harder than you think…

They’re facing things that many of us never had to worry about or even consider.

Peer pressure has been around for generations, but social media brings it to a new level. With 24-hour exposure to cyber-bullying, pressure to fit in, FOMO, and having a perfect public persona can be overwhelming!

And that’s not all…

They still have those “traditional pressures,” like getting good grades, excelling in extracurricular activities, holding down a job, preparing for college, keeping friends, and getting along with their families.

The pressure begins to build.

Grades begin to slip; classes are being skipped. Erratic moods increased isolation in their room and new friends you’ve yet to meet. Their personality seems to have done a 180. Old hobbies they’ve spent years enjoying have been replaced with a new flavor of the week; you have whiplash trying to keep up. You’re left wondering, “Where has my sweet and loving child gone?”

You know something is wrong.

Calm conversations about their day have been replaced with one-word answers. Arguments are quick to erupt. You desperately want to help your child, but every time you try, you’re met with an eye roll, sarcastic retorts, and comments that you just don’t get it. It’s starting to take a toll on you and your teen, but you don’t know where to turn to get the support that is needed.

It’s hard for them to find someone who knows what they’re going through and can help.

Teenagers naturally begin to pull away physically and emotionally from their parents as they progress through adolescence, which is part of the development process that helps grow their independence for adulthood. Still, it can leave them feeling like they don’t have someone they can turn to that is safe. Friends might be there for them, but they don’t know how to handle their own struggles and problems, much less those of their friends.

The result is that many teens carry their pain on the inside, and often they run out of healthy ways to cope.

Many develop anxiety and get depressed.

Some cope with the pain by cutting or thinking of hurting themselves. Drugs and alcohol can be another way to escape the pain and pressure of daily life as an adolescent.

They desperately want to feel better – to feel understood… but they’re unsure who to turn to.

That’s where I come in.

To be honest, many teens are resistant to therapy and often view it as punishment. They might worry that what they say will get back to their parents and get them in more trouble. They may assume they won’t be understood or are worried the therapist will just side with their parents. Just another person will tell them what to do.

My approach is creative, compassionate, and sprinkled with humor.

Your teen can go from surviving to thriving!

But they’ll need help to get past the worry, loneliness, sadness, and pressure they feel.

Being a parent of a teenager can be hard. It feels like going through the toddler years all over again, only they are now giant toddlers that throw bigger tantrums and have larger consequences for their actions.

But it is a stage, and getting support to help them and you get through the stage as unscathed as possible can be very beneficial I’m here to help you and your teen navigate these exciting but sometimes challenging years!

Let’s be there for them, sending them into the future with hope and excitement!

Call today for your free consultation. Let me answer your questions and see how I can help: (682) 232-3499.