Individual Therapy

You’re an adult. Now what?

Life isn’t going according to plan.

Whose plan?

Society pressures us to reach certain milestones by a certain age: go to college, start a career, get married, buy a house, start a family, go on exciting vacations…

Oh, and don’t forget to look flawless and happy while you’re keeping up with this jam-packed social calendar!

It’s exhausting, and you feel like you’re failing at life.

The pressure builds…

And the anxiety and depression creep in. It starts small, until one day…

You wake up realizing you dread getting out of bed in the morning.

Completing simple tasks takes a huge amount of focus and energy, none of which you have.

Worrying about a million different things consumes your time, and you cannot control your thoughts.

Life feels dull and heavy.

I thought life was supposed to get better after high school?!

Is this what being an adult is all about?

Many of the adults I work with, from early adulthood on, talk about losing a sense of themselves.

They talk about how they’ve given up on their dreams in sacrifice of a relationship, family, or job.

They desperately want to feel joy again…

… to feel connected and present with family or friends…

… and to function at work without letting it carry over into their personal lives.

I can help. Here’s how…

Listening to your struggles…

I’ll actively listen as you share your story, thoughts, and feelings, giving you supportive reflection and validation.

I strive to understand what you are experiencing. Reflecting to ensure I understand you – asking questions to explore and gain more knowledge.

Giving you support…

You’ll set the pace. I don’t want to rush your journey or make you feel overwhelmed. We can always put a pin in it if your story becomes too much, and I’ll use some tools to help you re-regulate your nervous system to feel calmer.

Examining your thought patterns…

We will look at how you may be thinking, identify any thought patterns that may keep you stuck, and look at ways to reframe how to view a situation more helpfully.

Helping you identify goals for your life…

You know you want something different but can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. We will work together to suss out what you want out of life. How do you want to feel? What does that look like? What would be different six months from now if you felt better? Together, we will map out goals for yourself and a game plan on how to achieve them.

Take back control of your life!

You can get it back. When you do, you’ll sleep better, have more energy, be able to focus, and not be plagued by worry and hopelessness.

You CAN live a life full of joy, peace, excitement, and hope for the future!

It’s not too late! Call today for your free consultation: (682) 232-3499.