EMDR Therapy

Do you feel disconnected from who you are?

You feel powerless to change the negative self-talk that loops in your head.

You have intense levels of emotion.

You have negative core beliefs like “I’m unlovable,” “I’m a failure,” or “I’m not good enough.”

You have excessive guilt.

You find yourself easily triggered throughout the day.

The ongoing emotional disturbances and intrusive thoughts drive you crazy!

Slipping toward the end of your rope…

You’re desperate to feel better, but nothing you’ve tried in the past has worked.

Talking with friends and family doesn’t help. They mean well but are unable to understand what you are experiencing. Avoidance tactics such as binge-watching TV or social media, working too many hours, or having glasses of wine at night no longer provide the escape you want and only make you feel guilty.

Or maybe you’ve even tried traditional therapy methods, but you still feel broken or struggle with remnants of old disturbances.

And your current coping skills aren’t enough.

You’ve taken the yoga class, tried deep breathing, and even gave meditation a go. And though you know those can be helpful, it isn’t enough to get you through the emotional turmoil you’re experiencing.

It’s not your fault!

When we go through disturbing events, our nervous system takes over to keep us safe.

But sometimes, the nervous system is hijacked, and it has a hard time telling the difference between a paper tiger and a real tiger and stays in a state of arousal, ready to act at any little sign of threat. A noise, a sound, or even a smell can make your nervous system think it’s being threatened, and it’s ready to defend against whatever is attacking you!

Let’s talk about how EMDR can help…

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a treatment modality developed in the 1980s by Dr. Francine Shapiro to work through disturbing events related to anxiety, stress, or trauma (either single-event or ongoing trauma). It has been extensively researched and proven effective in treating various issues from PTSD, acute trauma, anxiety, and depression, to name a few.

EMDR therapy uses bilateral stimulation, or left-to-right movement, to repeatedly activate opposite sides of the brain. Typically, eye movement facilitates bilateral stimulation, but tapping and audio stimuli can also be used.

The left-to-right movements help the brain mimic the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep. It’s during REM that your mind processes recent life events. Through this movement, the brain can access parts that are not easily reachable through traditional therapy methods, allowing it to process events and memories that contribute to problematic ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Basically, it “turns down the volume” on your emotional reactions to disturbing events from your past.

Start the journey to healing…

Whether you prefer in-person or online, EMDR can be used both ways to illicit healing.

We will work together to determine if using EMDR would be a good fit to help you process and heal from disturbing events in your life, whether recent or long ago.

Reach out today to schedule a free consultation: (682) 232-3499!